3 ways to supercharge your daily motivation with inspirational quotes

Using motivational quotes is one of the best ways that you can train yourself, and coach yourself in your life towards the success and happiness that you want.

This blog will show you:

  • Why we need motivation in our lives
  • 3 of my favourite motivational quotes
  • 3 criteria for how to pick your own

Why do we need motivational quotes?

There are a lot of reasons why all of us need a lift from time to time, and motivational quotes can be a great tool to kick start and refocus your motivational fire inside. If you are currently feeling unmotivated, don’t beat yourself up. There are many reasons why this might be the case. Here are 6 of the most common aspects of our modern lives that can de-motivate and overwhelm us:

1 Lots of negative thoughts– we can have between 20,000-80,000 thoughts every single day. And a lot of them can be habitual and negative. When you get stuck into a negative thinking loop, it can be easy to be dragged down by it and feel unmotivated in your life.

2 Distractions– our phones and digital devices are constantly wanting our attention. Every notification, bell, whoosh, ping and ding can often leave us feeling frazzled, unfocused and unmotivated. We can then struggle to start on what is actually the most important thing that we want to accomplish- or how we want to be- in that moment.

3 You want to be motivated– if you want to achieve your dreams and goals in your life, you are going to need motivation to fuel you to take action on them; rather than just leaving them as ideas in your head, on a piece of paper or on your phone.

4 Challenges in your life– you will always have situations in your life that are challenging. They can take a lot of your energy and leave you feeling frustrated, panicked and even overwhelmed.

5 Issues affecting your mental health– you might be feeling anxious or suffering from depression. You might have a mental health condition, which you manage with medication and support and coping strategies. Or you might just be feeling rubbish, as we all do from time to time. When we all do, we all need something to help lift us up.

6 You may have had a health diagnosis– you might have had a sudden health diagnosis, or one of your loved ones may have a critical condition. These are not quick fix things. There are challenging aspects, that you will have to live with, and endure through. And they are very, very difficult. In such moments, these health issues can totally de-motivate you and leave you feeling worn out and wanting to just give up.

So now we have explored why you, or anyone of us may be feeling de-motivated, let’s look at how motivational quotes can be an incredibly useful tool to help get you going.

How can motivational quotes help you

As we have learned so far, we have many thousands of thoughts, every day. And most of them are not isolated thoughts. We think thoughts, and then they link onto other pieces of information in our mind. They form connections, and before you know it, you can have travelled back or forward in time, in mini-seconds, all because of thoughts in your mind. And as we have considered so far, if these things are negative, due to one of the 6 reasons, then going off on a thought loop, is not a good thing to do.

Think of motivational quotes as an anchor, something that you can hold onto, a place in your mind, where you feel safe. You can revisit them again and again, you know what the words are, and so they are familiar, which can reassure you. And if you feel your mind drifting off, you repeat the quote- either in your mind, or out loud- to return to the present moment, and the words will help to motivate and inspire you.

So motivational quotes can help to refocus your mind, that is one of their best uses. Also, the more that you repeat them again and again, the more they become engraved into your mind. You won’t have to think as hard, to recover them. You can memorise them, and recall them when you want. They can be a friend, a constant companion to you, in difficult times.

I would now like to share with you 3 of my favourite motivational quotes, and why I love them so much.

3 of my favourite inspirational quotes

“Love is a net that catches hearts like fish”

I love just how welcoming, warm and affirming this quote is. It reminds me that we all want to be loved, and that we can all belong to love. I love how the image has action in it, as it reminds me that love is about the actions we take to show people that we love them. And I love that it has come from a boxer, an incredible athlete. That he was able to come up with such profound loving words, shows me just how multi-faceted we human beings are.

“Marace la pena” (It is worth the pain)

I speak Spanish, and I love this quote for two reasons. Firstly, when I speak in Spanish, I choose my words more carefully, so it calms my mind down and makes me more considerate in my thinking and words choices. And secondly, it is so simple. It can be very easy to complain, to focus on how long problems go on for, to look at all the little bitty things, and to eventually get overwhelmed by them. But this quote keeps it simple- if it is worth it, then endure the pain.

I have used this in my life in so many situations: in my business Kataholos, with my health, with my relationships, with what is important to me. The converse is also true, if it’s not worth the pain, then you don’t have to endure it. This could be negative people who drain your energy, work or environmental situations. This quote focuses me and helps me to recommit to what is important in my life. I hope that it can do the same for you.

“Your greatest hour awaits you. It’s coming. Ensure you’re ready for it”

This quote is so special to me for several reasons. Firstly, I greatly admire and respect Greg Plitt. He was an American army ranger, who took his discipline and integrity and applied it into the health and fitness world. Secondly, I love this idea that our best days and our best moments, are not in our past, but they are ahead of us. This excites me for my future and gives me hope. And finally, I love how it suggests that the work and efforts that I am putting in today, are meaningful and are adding up to something. They are increasing the chances of me having great moments in my future. One of the great de-motivating factors is in life is a lack of meaning. This quote reminds me that who I am and what I do have meaning and purpose; and I will see them made real in future, through my efforts today.

3 ways to choose your own motivational quotes

Now let’s focus on helping you to choose your own motivational quotes. Don’t know where to start?

Let’s keep it simple, by giving you 3 ways.

1 Google quotes of areas you are interested in and find someone who is really good at it

Start by thinking of all the things that you are really interested in. Your hobbies, your favourite things, write them down. Then look for people who have become very successful and happy in those areas. They could be athletes, business people, influential figures, authors, musicians, politicians. Then just add the phrase motivational quotes. Here are some examples:

  • Female athlete motivational quotes
  • Young entrepreneur motivational quotes
  • Rock star motivational quotes
  • Famous painters motivational quotes

2 Pick some of your values and find quotes linked to those

The next way to choose your motivational quotes is to focus on your values- those ways that you know to be essential to you living your life. Your values are very personal to you. Having motivations quotes that align with your values will help you to feel that they are authentic with how you want to live your life. Here are some examples for you to try

  • Integrity motivational quotes
  • Kindness motivational quotes
  • Competitive motivational quotes
  • Justice motivational quotes
  • Accountability motivational quotes

3 Pick a quote that reminds you of how special you are- not about achievement

The final way is to find motivational quotes that will encourage you, affirm you, and to help you to remember that you are far more than the achievements which you obtain and your successes. When I am de-motivated, I find it very heartening and helpful to be reminded of this. Here are some suggestions to you started:

  • Loving motivational quotes
  • Belonging motivational quotes
  • Self care motivational quotes
  • Self-love motivational quotes
  • You are special motivational quotes

Suggested next steps for your motivational journey

1 Find two of your new favourite inspirational quotes and memorise them– this will help you hugely, as if one of your favourite quotes doesn’t help you on one day, you can try using the second one.

2 Put a screenshot picture of them in a folder on your phone called inspirational quotes- This will help you to collect and store them all in one easy to find place, so you have them within seconds of needing them. This is a very important practical aspect of staying motivated- having the resources on hand when you need them.

3 Look at this inspirational quotes folder of pictures every day- Then look at them often, every day is best. Make some time in the mornings, at meal times or in the evenings to allow the words to motivate and inspire you.

Want to watch a video I made on this topic?

Enjoyed this blog? Try this blog on positivity as your next read

How can I be positive right now?

I hope this has helped you on your motivational journey, remember… your greatest hour is yet to come!

Love and best wishes,



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